The Teacher

of Taboo Topics

Ruby Jade Academy is where

you come to learn about death.

Within the Ruby Jade Academy Course Collection, you will find two courses on death - one on a physical death and the other on a psychological death.

As society shies away from death, Kenzie Dolan, owner of Ruby Jade Rituals, stares it straight in the eyes. Kenzie's belief is that there is no life without death, and we are grieving the moment we are born. So, why are we not taught on this sacred part of life?

You would think because dying is inevitable that there would be a plethora of death courses, but the reality is we lack resources and people who survive death navigate this milestone in the dark.

Very early on in life, Kenzie became frustrated with how the collective viewed death and those that wanted to talk about it. With that, Kenzie decided to make her own courses on what death has taught her.

At the root of her beliefs on death, Kenzie feels that speaking the names of the deceased is a form of respect and is also celebrated on "The Other Side," the place she likes to call where souls go when they die.

Kenzie is the beacon of light in modern day death education. In her opinion, learning about death can teach a person to live life more fully.

Aside from Thanatology, Kenzie also teaches on other esoteric topics like Astrology & Numerology. Kenzie calls herself "The Teacher of Taboo Topics."

The Astrologer & Grief Walker

My name is Kenzie Dolan. I am Certified Professional Astrologer, Practicing Numerologist, and a Grief Walker, which, in my words, is someone who walks side by side with the only guarantee in life - death. With studying my Natal Astrology Birth Chart for years, I knew a long time ago that I was meant to embrace, lead, and teach on the topic of death. But, the infatuation with the mystery of life began long before Astrology was ever a passion of mine. Growing up near a cemetery, I walked near gravesites almost every single day as a child. As a Human Development & Family Science graduate, studying my ancestry is another passion of mine that I encourage others to do when wanting to learn about themselves. Through my extensive research on my lineage, I have discovered I am not the only one who felt the call from within to interact with those who have gone before us. In fact, there are many women in my family that were also infatuated with those beyond on the veil. Death work runs in my bloodline and is a part of my soul's calling.